FAI Hang Gliding and Paragliding Commission (CIVL)

21 May 2024

FS 2024 R1.0 was just released

FS 2024 R1.0 was just released. This version brings two new features, a number of improvements, and a few bug fixes. For details see the temporary download page.

Changes in FS 2024 from FS 2023


Import XCTrack tasks, either as .xctask files or as QR code image files (.jpg or .png): In the task editor, click on the “Import task” button, and choose the appropriate file type in the following dialog. With this method, you no longer need to load the waypoints into FS.

Tool to consolidate glider names: Tools – Consolidate glider names…


Cleaned up the “Tools” menu, and removed old functionality related to CompeGPS and RaceDB.

Removed all calls to external servers that are no longer functional. No impact on FS functionality.

Remove optimization in track evaluation where for LO pilots in non-stopped tasks, we only looked at their final leg to determine the point of best distance. We had a case (Pre-PWC La Réunion 2023) where pilots had their best position before taking the last turnpoint they could reach. So now, we always look at all trackpoints to determine the pilot’s best distance (as we did before in stopped tasks). Since we only do this once during track evaluation, and not any longer during scoring, this does not have too big an impact on performance.

Ensure that competitions with previously evaluated tracks can be scored even if the IGC files are not available. We had found some edge cases where the IGC file was still needed.

In races with multiple start gates, and in elapsed time tasks, evaluate pilots’ last start time that gives them the best result also for pilots who did not reach ESS. Until now, in these cases, the first start time was taken, since the start time does not matter for pilots landing out. This different handling of LO pilots had caused some confusion.

Update GpsDump to version 5.46

Bug fixes

Ignore stopped tasks and tasks with validity 0 in FTV calculation for competition results.

Fixed bug where FS crashed while checking tracklogs if tracklog folder did not exist.

Re-implement download of nations and nations codes from an online source, to ensure the use of correct IOC codes in rankings. This was broken with the demise of civlcomps.fai.org.


Many thanks to Joerg Ewald for his efforts to update the scoring program.