2024 FAI World Drone Racing Championship


China (People's Republic of)
31 Oct
03 Nov 2024

Classifications & Results

official results

  • Download the results cover page signed by the FAI Jury (pdf format)
  • Download the results and classifications (pdf format)

                Qualification stage Results & Ranking

                Overall Individual Classification

                Junior Individual Classification

                 Women Individual Classification

                 National Team Classification


Overall & Juniors

  1. HASHIMOTO Yuki (Junior) - JPN
  2. BAI Xize (Junior) - Wild card CHN
  3. KIM Minjae (Junior) - KOR


  1. RIZZO Luisa - ITA
  2. WANNAPONG Wanraya (Junior) - THA
  3. LUO Yimeng (Junior) - Wild card CHN

National teams

  1. Republic of Korea
  2. People's Republic of China
  3. Japan


Every competitor of a national team competes for the individual classifications (Overall and, where appropriate, Junior and Women) and for the national team classification. The individual competitors participating with a wild car are not considered as being member of their national team, and so representing their NAC. In that situation, they are ranked in the individual classifications (Overall and, where appropriate, Junior and Women) but are not be considered for the team classification.

Overall individual classification -  The overall individual classification concerns all competitors (including Juniors and Women) and had been established according to the table below.

Junior individual classification - The junior individual classification is estblished by considering the placing in the junior final for the concerned juniors, and the ranking in the overall individual classification for the other juniors The2024 WDRC Sporting Rules state that the Junior final is not organised in case more than 2 juniors are selected for the overall final. There were 3 juniors qualified for the overall final.In that situation, the three juniors participating in the overall final had been placed in the junior classification by considering their ranking in the overall final; the other junior being placed  fourth.

Women individual classification - The women individual classification is established by considering the placing in the women final for the concerned women, and the ranking in the overall individual placing for the other women.

National team classification - The national team classification is established by adding together the numerical final placing of the three best placed members of each national team considering the overall individual classification without taking in account the wild cards individual competitors. Teams will be ranked from the lowest numerical places to the highest, with complete three competitors' teams ahead of two competitor teams, which in turn are ranked ahead of one competitor teams. In the case of a tie, the best individual placing decides to split the tie for the concerned national teams.